Weekly Quote:

"I see! It is possible to save them all... I wish I could tell him that." -Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Trigun

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Anime to calm ya down.

Enocia here~!

Okay, so I have been dealing with frustrating cell phone business, and needless to say it leaves me overly angry. So when I need to wind down from a frustrating day, anime is always a good way to go. Usually something comical, or something with good amounts of poetic justice always makes me feel better, so my choices for this would be~

Samurai Champloo: This kick ass anime of a group of three travelers always makes me smile. The story is about a girl who commandeers two rival swordsmen to help her find the elusive "Samurai that smells of Sunflowers." This of course drags them all over Edo Era Japan, running into trouble no matter where they go. But they somehow always end up on top, and the bad guys always end up screwed. It's good stuff.

Then of course there is always~

Excel Saga: This ungodly random anime can never cease to make you laugh. Excel is a ditz who follows her beloved leader like he was the last hope on earth. In doing so she does some pretty stupid things, dies quite a few times (hard to explain) and get into a lot of random trouble. It's a fun filedl Nabeshin anime. Nothing can make you feel better quite like laughing so hard you pee.

Anyway, there is my input for the day. Now I get to go yell at people some more and take a nap before work. :D

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rena - Rainy Day Anime (or, Shows For When You're Sick)

Rena here! Poor Eno is a little under the weather at the moment, so I'm dedicating this post to her. ♥

There is nothing quite like burrowing under a blanket on the couch and watching anime on a sick day, or a rainy/snowy day for that matter. Now personally, when I'm not feeling good, I like a dose of something different from my usual viewing material (I'm the one who likes shonen/action/mecha/comedy, whereas my co-blogger likes shoujo/fluffy stuff/comedy). But laughter's the best medicine, right? So:

Dr. Rena's Prescription:

* Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu: A spin-off of the Full Metal Panic series, Fumoffu is a lot more crack-comedic than serious mecha action (in fact, no mechas make an appearance in this series). The first episode begins with a giant explosion, and the laughs don't stop til the hair-raising finale. Plus Chris Patton and Luci Christian star as Sergeant Sousuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori, so decent star-power.

* Nerima Daikon Brothers: What do you get when you combine music, daikon, pandas, and a heavy wallop of nonsense? Nerima Daikon Brothers! A musical anime set in a daikon field in Nerima, Japan, NDB tells the story of Hideki, Ichiro, and Mako as they struggle for stardom. (And more Chris Patton and Luci Christian, this time as Ichiro and Mako. Yes, I am biased.)

* Read Or Die: The OVA: Not as cracky, but it's short and sweet. A beautifully done OVA (original video animation) , leading into a TV series that's kind of so-so.

*DISCLAIMER: These shows are recommended for ages 14+. Each contains content that may not be suitable for younger viewers. I will not be held responsible for you getting in trouble or for your brain exploding from crackiness.

This is all I have for the moment, but if you've got a favorite, feel free to leave us a comment!

See you next time!

Love, Rena.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An attempt to save...

Hello everyone. Welcome to "Lost In The Crowd." It's kind of hard to find a place to start, so how about at the beginning. My name is Enocia, and my co-blogger here is Rena. I guess our whole purpose of this blog is to help people in their ventures with Anime.

So many years now, I have attended Nan Desu Kan, an annual convention for anime here in Colorado. Every year I go, hyped up and happy to show off a new costume to find that whether the costume was done right or not no one knows who I am.. Now not for a lack of trying, but because more often than not they've never heard of the anime. I could understand this if what I do is.. off the wall. If it was obscure I could forgive.. But when the costume is of a well known character from what should be a well known anime, my heart breaks.

This blog is not just for spouting off what we think is great anime. There is more to the world of anime than what most people see on t.v. We want to push people to delve deeper, and discover something that they have never heard of, but will love the rest of their lives.

In addition to anime recommendations we will throw in voice actor and director profiles, cosplay tips, culture bits, and any other tid bits we think will help broaden the horizon of your every day anime fan.

I want to express to everyone that this blog is not to lecture people, but to show them that anime doesn't stop at the end of saturday night when Adult Swim stops airing. Anime is so much more than that, and once you see how much you are missing you will appreciate the anime that got you started and grow as fan and help anime grow, too.

With Love,
Noci and Rena